Andréane Lanthier Nadeau


Athlete match: Ruby Wells

Andréane is a professional racer on the Enduro World Series. Born and raised in Québec, she was shaped from a young age by years of cross-country racing. Moving out west to pursue her Olympic dream, she found herself reminded of the thrill that bikes (bigger ones) can bring. Renewing with how much fun she has on her bike led her to start racing Enduro. After finishing her BSc. in Psychology at Uvic, while nursing some wrist injuries, her professional career really started to shape up. Bagging some top results with multiple podiums and stage wins, she established herself as a top contender at the highest level of racing. She’d say; “racing and top results are cool. But sharing my passion and the skills I’ve acquired with my experience is something I owe to the sport and the kids out there. Showing them they can make it.”

Photo 1: @margusriga

Photo 2: @svenmartinphoto